Archive for August, 2007|Monthly archive page

Welcome to the One Minute Critic!

This is where you go for information about the library’s “One Minute Critic” program!  I’m just starting it out and getting it into shape – chances are if you came here by chance, I’m not talking about your library, but feel free to check back later and see how things are shaping up anyway!

I’ll be adding pages – navigation is at the top, in the tabs.

I’ll have some things that you can download and print, like a sample “one minute book review,” and a form to help you organize your thoughts to write your own “one minute book review.”

If you have any questions or comments, you can use the “Comment” feature – you’ll see it there right next to where it says “Welcome To The One Minute Critic”

I’ll also add some links and widgets to the sidebar, with lots of book related stuff for your entertainment.